Friday, 22 June 2012

Get rid of your remote clutter? You need a universal remote!

There is a very good chance you have one remote in your house- a remote that controls your television. And you probably have another remote that controls your DVD or BluRay player. And yet another TV Remote for Seniors that controls your sound system. And even yet another remote to control your DVR recorder. There is also a very good chance you’ve experienced losing or misplacing a particular remote, and just how much of an inconvenience that it can cause you. You may have spent so much time and energy searching, flipping over couch seat cushions and looking under all the clutter on all the surface space of your furniture, that you may have, at some point in your search, considered abandoning the search and going to your nearby electronics store to find either a replacement remote or a brand new device that comes with a brand new remote.

If you have ever had the displeasure of experiencing something similar, there is an invention out there for people like you: the universal remote. The universal remote has the ability to condense all your remotes into one device- that one remote will control all your devices without you having to search for the specific remote that controls a specific device. Invented in 1985, the universal remote has been revolutionizing the home entertainment experience since its inception.

TV Remote for Seniors

However, universal remotes are not primarily known for the fact that they are able to control so many devices, but for the fact that they can be extremely complex to use and to program. It seems as though, until recently, that only the technically-savvy was capable of, or, even desirous to, using a universal remote. But this trend of complex universal remotes is about to change: more and more companies are developing remotes that are not only easy to use, but easy to program.

A main example of this kind of development is the Large Button Remote. These types of universal remotes usually come pre-programmed so it is ready to use right away without having the added complication of having to learn how to program the remote. But the main advantage of these remotes is the largeness of the buttons. These remotes have been specifically designed so that the buttons are easy to read and not hard at all to understand. Because of the easy-to-see nature of the buttons on this remote, people that have limited or diminished eyesight will most likely benefit most from these types of remotes, and because of its easy-to-use nature, these are the ideal remotes for seniors. Click Here For More Details.